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October 17, 2000
Monte, Ryan with the catch of the day Seth, and Ryan took a striper trip to Lake Texoma a couple of days ago. We arrived at Cedar Mills Marina, in the Big Mineral arm of the lake, around 4pm. We spotted the gulls schooling from the ramp and were under them in no time. Seth hooked up with a big one that broke him off of 24lb spider wire. Wish we could have seen it. Ryan caught this one and missed several others. Monte got blanked. After about 45 minutes the lightning chased us off the lake. Pretty good action for less than an hour of fishin.

We were using 2oz chartreuse/white Prune Picker Slabs that Monte found while surfing for clues on what the stripers were biting. One of the 6 Old Geezers Fishing Lake Texoma makes them.

Monte highly recommends taking a trip to Texoma. We had such good luck with the stripers last December we are confident the striper action will be great from now until the end of the year. Most of the guides advise to use a 4 inch glo Sassy Shad on a 1oz horse head jig. But we usually have better luck with white sassy shads. The 2oz Prune Picker Slabs seem to get better action.

See you out there.