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December 7, 2000
Unlike Seth and Ryan last year with a couple of whoppers 1941, this date will not live in infamy. Mostly because Monte couldn't go fishing today. He has been a few times since this website was last updated but came up empty every time. Those rascally stripers on Lake Texoma have been very elusive. Monte prefers to blame the muddy water on the west end of the lake rather than his own fishing prowess. Cedar Mills Marina, in the Big Mineral arm of the lake, is the place we launched our last time out. We had heard there was clear water down the lake so we headed that way. When we came to the Lowes Highport area this gigantic wake, from one of those mini cruise ships, snuk up on us. Monte didn't see it until it was right on us. He shut down the boat before we plowed under the tidal wave but it got us anyway. It just rolled right over the bow and drenched us both. Man it was COLD too! We ran back to the truck (and the heater) as fast as we could, never wetting a hook on that fishing trip. It was a laugher, thats for sure.

For now, all Monte can do is reminisce about last December when we had some good luck with the stripers. Both of the whoppers above are still at the taxidermist. Maybe Santa will light a fire under him and get us our wall fixtures by Christmas.

We are counting on Ron Ludwig (Prune Picker) of 6 Old Geezers Fishing Lake Texoma to let us know when the striper fishing gets good again. We have not ruled out a quick trip to Ray Roberts either but Monte is very wary of the low lake level right now.

See you out there.