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Troop 220


Best Trips Of '97

Well, it has been a great year for Monte. Some of our trips we have gotten blanked but most of them have produced fish.

Back in July my three sons and I booked a trip with Captain Randall Hall (The Lewisville Fisherman) and he put us on some of the largest sandbass I have ever seen. Just the other day Ryan, my nine year old, caught a 7 pound striper on Texoma.

Friends have produced fish this year too. Here's Russ Mcdonald Russ with a couple of Kings
from Alaska with a couple of really nice King Fish. Sure wish I could do some Alaska fishing sometime. Russ is employed with GTE (like me) and is lucky enough to be located where the fishing can truly be remarkable. I have a friend that happens to be a die hard bass fisherman but he said the best fishing trip he ever had was in Alaska. Hey Russ, What did ya use to catch that? A four pound bait fish? By the way, Russ is on the right in this picture.

Next is a picture of me holding my personal best...the biggun! Fifteen Pound Beast
This beast of a redfish weighed in at a whopping fifteen pounds. We were trolling Fairfield Lake and when he hit I thought I was hung on a stump. Once the boat came to a stop, however, the fight was on.

Here is my oldest son, Seth holding a fine catch from last spring. Seth with a good looking fish
Seth's interests lean heavy towards basketball. In fact he really excells in basketball. He embarrasses his Dad all the time. Beats me in PIG all the time. But when the boat is headed for the lake he is right there with his pole asking to go.