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April 24, 2001
Monte Sidney Green has not had a chance to go fishing for quite a while now. Work has taken most of Monte's time lately. Last weekend Monte's youngest, Sidney, was diagnosed with viral meningitus, so we spent all weekend at the hospital. She is home now and is doing good. Laura, Monte's wife, gets credit for another save. She wasted no time getting Sid to the Doctor so treatment could be expedited. Laura has now saved the life of each of our 5 children at one time or another. There is a story for each child but the most dramatic was probably our oldest, Seth, when he was an infant.

Seth was a premature infant with hernias. Once he was older and less frail surgery was to be scheduled to repair the hernias. We had him home about a week when one friday night he started screaming and would not stop. Laura knew we should take him to the emergency room. I lobbied that he was just being fussy and if he was still crying on Monday we would go to the Doctor. Her response was, "I'm taking him to the emergency room right now! You can come if you want."

I drove but I was griping the whole way saying this is just a waste of time. Well, the hernias were incarcerated and the Doctor said he would not have lived through the weekend without surgery. Boy did I have a red face! After eating crow and wiping the egg off my face I told her to kick me in the pants the next time I tried something so foolish. Monte has learned never to question Laura about her motherly intuitions.

Our next fishing adventure is scheduled for Saturday April 28th barring any unforseen emergencies.