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September 15, 2000
Monte Will with a Sand Bass has been fishing at Ray Roberts several times since the arrival of the new boat. We have been hunting down the sand bass mostly. And we have been finding them too. Monday, September 11, Monte went out alone and had a great time. The sand bass were schooling right next to the outlet at the dam. They didn't want the 1/2 oz chrome rattle trap so Monte switched to a red/white roadrunner. The fish really liked that bait. A fish every cast at times.

Monte checked out the area west of Wolf Island and it is one huge land mass now with obstacles everywhere. On the way there Monte was cruising in the middle of the lake, between Johnson Branch and Isle Duboise, when all of a sudden 35 feet of water went to 3 feet of water. Just like that, in the middle of the lake! REAL scary!

On Self Portrait Tuesday Monte went out with his sons Will and Ryan. We were idling out of the Isle Duboise ramp when Will sang out "there they are". The sandies were pushing shad against the bank right there in the ramp area. We caught a couple each before they disappeared. Then we saw em schooling big time near the sand bar just south of the ramp. We caught so many we lost count. When they went away we decided to do some tubing then called it a night. Thursday Monte went out by himself again and found the sandies out near the RV camping area of the Isle Duboise unit. Chrome slabs were the bait of the day.

If you want to have some fun with the kids now is a great time to put them on the sandies. Look for boats, birds, or bait. Finding a whole bunch of boats crowded together is a good clue that the fish are schooling. We have had our best luck with red/white roadrunners while they are surfacing, and chrome or chartreuse slabs while they are down.

See you out there.