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June 6, 2000
Monte Ray Roberts Weed Bed Bass and his 11 year old son, Ryan fished Lake Ray Roberts a couple of days ago. And it was a banner day by Monte's standards. We took the advice of fellow angler Kraig Clement who advised to drift over the weed bed west of Wolf Island with flukes. That advice was right on the money!

Ryan and Monte caught 9 in all. Yeah, they were all in the slot but it was real fun to catch bass. We caught them on flukes, worms, buzz baits, spooks, and slugos. Pictured are the biggest - 3lb 13oz and 3lb 8oz. We had the benefit of overcast skies. A little too overcast at times. We got rained on a little. They were trashing the water all around us and all of the anglers there were having a real good time. Didn't see anyone catch a whopper but everybody was catching fish. It will make your heart jump out of your chest when one trashes a top water bait.

Once the clouds broke so did the fishing. The pattern instantly changed once the sun came out. Thats when the wind blew us off the lake too.