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June 4, 2000
The Galveston Vacation 2000 family took another vacation to Galveston last week. We started our journey at 01:04 Friday morning and arrived in Galveston at 06:03. Five hours from North of Denton. We were very pleased at how fast we made the trip. No traffic to speak of at all. We just set the cruise control and had very few slow downs. Once we arrived Monte had to take a nap so the rest of the gang hung out at the beach most of the day.

The guys wanted to fish but it was Memorial Day weekend and the island was packed with people. And so were the party boats. The wind was howling anyway so the boats were not going offshore. They were still booked for bay fishing too. Galveston Vacation 2000 Laura did us a big favor and secured us a place on the back of the Texun II for a trip we took offshore on Wednesday May 31. But first we spent a day at Moody Gardens. We were there all day and didn't see half of it. So we went again the next day too. It was real fun. It has an IMAX theater, IMAX rides, a cool aquarium, a swimming area, simulated forest, etc...

The men got in some fishing first at one of the fishing piers where we got blanked. Then we took a couple of bay fishing trips where all three boys caught fish. Ryan caught a big redfish and Seth and Will each caught black drums. (Monte got blanked) Galveston Vacation 2000 But the fishing highlight was the offshore trip on The Texun II. All four of us limited out on Kingfish and let me tell ya, it was some kind of fun! The back of the boat is definately the place to be. You could see the kingfish take the bait. They would start running before they hit it. They have a big mouth and it is full of razor sharp teeth. The deck hands have to beat them with a baseball bat so they won't latch on to someone's leg.

A note on the lighter side - Monte and Seth attempted to go Bay fishing without the sea sickness patch and wound up taking a \$40 nap. If we would have stood up we would have supplied the chum for our side of the boat. That taught us a lesson, if we are on the ocean we need the patch. Will and Ryan are tougher than we are. They dont get seasick at all.