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July 17, 2000
Monte Rock outfishin me again! was in Fairfield last weekend overhauling his 90 horse Evinrude. Our attempts to finish were thwarted by incorrectly sized piston rings. So we took a road trip to Belton to check out a boat his brother, Richard was selling. We checked it out by fishing it on Lake Belton. Rock outfished Monte REAL bad! He caught 10 sand bass and this nice looking largemouth. Monte caught only one sandie. It was so hot we had to keep dipping our hats in the water. The sun was really beating us down. It was an opressive heat. We could feel our skin burning. But the fish were biting (for Roy) so we had to stay as long as we could stand it. That was only a couple of hours.

The Monte's (soon to be) new boat boat is just what Monte has been needing. It has a Mercury 115. Its more than 2 feet longer (18') than Monte's. It is much wider too. It has a deep V hull which keeps you from getting beat up by the waves and keeps you dry as well. It is a real step up for Monte. There are several bells and whistles that Monte could get used to. The price is right too. I think I'll take it!