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April 26, 2000
Monte The boys fishing Lake Ray Roberts and his sons Will, Seth, and Ryan fished Ray Roberts Monday and Tuesday. They were both gorgeous days with little wind and blue bird skies. On Monday Ryan and Monte decided to try their luck with the large mouth bass in Indian Creek. After a couple of hours without a hit it was decided that sand bassing was the way to go. We hit a stump real hard, even though we were idling out, but no prop or lower unit damage. Feel real lucky.

Once we cleared the stumps we opened her up and headed for the weed beds. Didn't see much there so we kept going and found the birds going nuts right in the middle of the lake. This was off the point that the RV's are usually parked at the state park but way out in the middle of the lake. We joined a couple of other boats and started catching the white bass like crazy. Monte bird nested his reel right about then and was in the middle of working with it when a crappie picked up his red and white jig off the bottom. What was a crappie doing out in the middle of the lake on the bottom all by himself?

After a while the birds and the sand bass disappeared so Monte started looking around with the binoculars. He spotted one lone boat trolling the three fingers area, close to the Johnson Branch swimming hole. He kept trolling back and forth, back and forth. We knew he must be catching them or he wouldn't be doing that. We buzzed over and the closer we got the more birds we could see in an absolute frenzy! There were so many of them we were scared of getting pooped on. We caught so many white bass we kinda got tired of it. Sounds crazy doesn't it. But the sandies were biting that good. We were simply cranking half oz chrome rattle traps. Those sand bass were knocking the shad right out of the water.

The next day, Tuesday, Monte took Seth and Will. We launched at Johnson Branch and checked out the Three Fingers area but nothing was happening there (yet). We noticed a whole herd of boats out in the middle of the lake, but closer to the Pilot Point boat ramp. They were all jigging slabs so we did too. We caught a few but the action was not fast and furious. After about an hour we took another gander through the binoculars towards the Three Fingers area and the birds were working it again. So we put on the chrome traps and had another field day with them.

Show those kids a good time and put em on the sandies. It will give them memories that will last a lifetime.